Tonight's meeting was focused primarily on the gyro and accelerometer and what challenges we have facing us regarding those two sensors. Here is a breakdown of what was discussed tonight:
Our Challenges with the gyro/accelerometer
- gyroscope --- the gyroscope measures the angle in degrees on three different axes. we know that we will get the angles of the robot's positions. We will know the roll, pitch, and yaw in degrees.
- accelerometer --- the accelerometer measures the speed in all directions.
- code/program
- we need to know how fast our robot goes
- we need a teeter totter
- programming so when the robot is not at 0 degrees (or whatever we decide will be level), the joystick will be overridden by the robot so the drivers cannot accidentally cause us to drive off the teeter totter
- the robot has to be able to distinguish the different angles
- distance we need to drive
- keeping track of the angle from level
- robot needs to know when to start balancing
- P.I.D --- this is a continuous loop that will always try to achieve a goal. in our case, it will read what degree we are at and will then speed the robot up or slow it down depending on how many degrees we are away from our goal of level.
All team leaders: Mrs. Danner wants to have a plan for Thursday night's meeting for each project by Wednesday night. As a reminder, the projects and leaders are as follows:
Gyro/Accelerometer: Sam and Mr. Hinde
Programming: Nick and Mr. Don
Gear Boxes: Rachel and Mr. Fordham
Crate: Christian and Mr. George
Also, if you did not bring your soda order forms to the meeting tonight, please make sure they are in by Thursday.
See everyone on Thursday!