Thursday, February 3, 2011

Team Update: February 3, 2011

Hi everyone!

Safety Contact: Be careful when driving at night of deer, other animals, and people walking around on the roads, especially when on a road with no street lights or very little lighting.

Programming Team: continued revision of Teleop program, tested Minibot code, examined potential autonomous problem.

Claw Team: worked on putting double hinge on. They are now working on mounting the claw onto the trolley.

Electrical Team: put the main breaker on the robot, mounted the power distribution board, and worked on hooking up the battery plug wires to the breaker and the power distribution board.

Drive Train Team: the spacers are almost ready, one motor is attached, started to mount the wheels.

Christian: added the motor to the Minibot and talked to the programming team about the Minibot program.

Jakob: helped Mr. Weick cut and drill and file metal pieces for the new motor mounts and helped Mat with the axle mounts.

Ally: helped the electrical team mount the necessary pieces and helped other team members with tasks.

Michael: helped other team members with tasks.

As a reminder to everybody: if you see something that is against the rules or might be a problem, speak up so we don't lose time making something that is not legal for the robot. Also, if you think you might know an easier way to solve a problem we are having, offer it to the rest of the team or to whoever is working on the project. No suggestions are wrong and your idea could save time, weight, and space.

Thank you Gain for dinner tonight! Our next meeting is Saturday morning at 8:30. Our goal is to be driving by Sunday, so make sure that when you are at the workshop you are working hard so we can accomplish this goal.

19 more days left in Build Season!

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